LED Pendant by Allegri in Chrome from the Lina collection.
Contemporary design with an elegant silhouette wrapped in Firenze crystal strands. Featured in a polished chrome finish and fixtures arrive dressed and ready for easy installation.
Allegri LED Pendant in Chrome | Fan DiegoLED Pendant by Allegri in Chrome from the Lina collection. Save on the largest selection of Allegri Pendants with free shipping deals.035553-010-FR001Chrome["Entry", " Dining", " Bed", " Office"]Entry, Dining, Bed, OfficeEntryDiningBedOffice322327"x1"x7"48LEDLEDYesNo120 Volt["Stainless Steel ", " Crystal"]Stainless Steel , CrystalcETLDryNoUnitPendants31" - 36"6" & Less$1500 & more192"FirenzeFirenzeYes4320270080YesNoNoNo23NoChinaNoNoNo44930Glass DownChromeContemporary ModernPendantsGlass DownContemporary Modern23363636UPS
Allegri LED Pendant in Chrome | Fan Diego LED Pendant by Allegri in Chrome from the Lina collection. Save on the largest selection of Allegri Pendants with free shipping deals. 035553-010-FR001 Chrome ["Entry", " Dining", " Bed", " Office"] Entry, Dining, Bed, Office Entry Dining Bed Office 32 2 32 7"x1"x7" 48 LED LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Stainless Steel ", " Crystal"] Stainless Steel , Crystal cETL Dry No Unit Pendants 31" - 36" 6" & Less $1500 & more 192" Firenze Firenze Yes 4320 2700 80 Yes No No No 23 No China No No No 44930 Glass Down Chrome Contemporary Modern Pendants Glass Down Contemporary Modern 2 33 6 36 36 UPS